Monday 6 February 2012

Tomorrow I have Progress Test 2...

Assalamua'laikum...and Good Evening to everyone,I' hope you all fine always..this night I did't have mood to study for progress test 2 for tomorrow.I did't know why I always fill like that for many time went exam.Tonight,I heard the "Ceramah From Ustaz Azhar Idrus" while upgrade my blog,this because I fill so some dissonant...(I don't know why) maybe at the first day the UBI 1022,miss has told about blog right, but I did't heard clearly or remember it at well...hahaha,like old malay proverb said "Masuk telinga kanan ,keluar telinga kiri" right! okey I have not much time to writting at more,I have something to do Good Night!!
( If I have a free time I will Upgrade this "POSTS")

What a new words you learned in class UBI 1022 at last week's?

Last week, at the fisrt class UBI 1022 I have learned many new words like; 

  Airman(Juru Terbang)

Parachute(Payung Terjun)

      Shelter(Tempat Berteduh)
and more than that in the title 'Survival Course For Airman'. In addition, in the chapter 'The Structure Of A Butterfly', I also learned something new in distinguishing between the butterfly and the moth.
Okey that's all from me....Thank you for reading my writting.... :p